Health is defined as a state of being free from illness or injury. This refers to both a person’s mental and physical condition. For peak job performance one must be in good health – how is that possible though in the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced lifestyle? The 9-5 job can take a toll on the body if health is not prioritized. Every year we challenge one another to incorporate healthier choices into their lifestyle – the reality of changing our regular routines is often more challenging than initially planned. However, these three ideas below can help create stronger work relationships, increase our problem-solving ability among other benefits by making healthy choices.


With the advancements in technology in the past years, no planning is needed, wearable technology can help track, and remind the wearer to get in those steps. Additionally, online workouts and small items such as resistance bands can be used just about anywhere – no heavy equipment is required.


Pack a gym bag and place it in the car the night before. Bring healthy snacks to the office so there is always an option for clean eats. Small planning adjustments can lead to big changes. One of the most impactful ways to plan is to set aside time in the calendar. By blocking out time for a mental or physical break you’re setting the stage for a more efficient and productive day.


Grab a neighbor, co-worker, or peer and challenge them to a race, a common goal, or join an intramural team. Better yet – challenge the whole office. By engaging and encouraging one another, employees will feel more connected and team collaboration will increase. This year the PhiloWilke team will be participating in multiple Houston races to support local organizations while competing staff-wide.

By creating a culture that focuses on health – employees are empowered to be the best version of themselves both physically and mentally. The benefits will resonate through project performance, team cohesiveness, and ultimately client satisfaction. Healthy employees are happy employees.